Dramatic Growth of Open Access: Dec. 11, 2010 Early Year-End Edition

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Dramatic Growth of Open Access: Dec. 11, 2010 Early Year-End Edition

Heather Morrison-2
*** with apologies for cross-posting ***

The Dec. 11, 2010 Early Year-End Edition of the Dramatic Growth of Open Access is now available at:


The Directory of Open Access Journals now lists more than 5,800 journals, and is adding about 4 titles per day (a growing growth rate)
Over 7,500 journals worldwide use Open Journal Systems
More than 1,000 journals participate voluntarily in PubMedCentral; over half provide immediate open access to all articles
OA mandates continue to lead the dramatic growth of open access percentage-wise

Does anyone know if there are similar updates on growth of open data? Or, if there are sites which I could look at to quickly get a few numbers that would be useful as summary info (e.g., # of cities with open data resolutions), I would be interested in adding open data numbers to this quarterly series.


Heather G. Morrison, MLIS
Doctoral Candidate, SFU School of Communication
The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics

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Re: Dramatic Growth of Open Access: Dec. 11, 2010 Early Year-End Edition

Tracey P. Lauriault
not numbers by i keep track of initiatives in canada.  I am supposed to work in the new year with a colleague to compare and contrast these.


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Heather Morrison <[hidden email]> wrote:
*** with apologies for cross-posting ***

The Dec. 11, 2010 Early Year-End Edition of the Dramatic Growth of Open Access is now available at:


The Directory of Open Access Journals now lists more than 5,800 journals, and is adding about 4 titles per day (a growing growth rate)
Over 7,500 journals worldwide use Open Journal Systems
More than 1,000 journals participate voluntarily in PubMedCentral; over half provide immediate open access to all articles
OA mandates continue to lead the dramatic growth of open access percentage-wise

Does anyone know if there are similar updates on growth of open data? Or, if there are sites which I could look at to quickly get a few numbers that would be useful as summary info (e.g., # of cities with open data resolutions), I would be interested in adding open data numbers to this quarterly series.


Heather G. Morrison, MLIS
Doctoral Candidate, SFU School of Communication
The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics

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Tracey P. Lauriault