Hi Folks,
The Open Data Society of BC and the Canadian Open Data Summit Committee are hosting the Canadian Open Data Summit in February 2014 in downtown Vancouver. We're inviting you to be part of the conversation. If you’ve got an open data story to tell, we’d like to hear it as part of our Lightning Talks.
This year the theme of the conference is "Integrate the Data". Here are some of the topics we’re specifically looking for:
Opportunities for non-profits, academia and journalists
Open data being shared and used between organizations and jurisdictions
Organizations integrating open data with their own data
Interoperability of open data
Improving the user experience
Open data standards
What’s next for open data?
If you’ve gained some hard-earned knowledge about open data and you’ld like to pass that on we encourage you to submit a proposal for a Lightning Talk (title and a brief overview of your talk, and your bio) to [hidden email] by January 30th. You do not need to be an expert public speaker, you just need to be willing to tell us your interesting open data story. Lightning talks are fast paced 5 minute talks.
More information is available here:
Herb LainchburyPresident, Open Data Society of BC
CivicAccess-discuss mailing list
[hidden email]