Tiago Peixoto (@participatory on Twitter), currently open government specialist with the ICT4Gov program of the World Bank, is an excellent source of information on ICT and participatory governance. In addition to Twitter, he is now (or again) publishing about some of the great research being done in this field at
http://democracyspot.net/For instance, issues of inclusiveness and mobile phones has come up on this list before. This study goes into the inclusiveness of voice vs. SMS:
http://democracyspot.net/2012/09/28/how-inclusive-are-sms-facilitators-and-barriers-to-sms-use-among-the-low-income-mobile-users-in-asia/There's also interesting analysis on projects like "I Paid a Bribe":
http://democracyspot.net/2012/09/14/i-paid-a-bribe-so-what/ to which the comments are also high quality.
See also: Exposing Corrupt Politicians: The Effects of Brazil’s Publicly Released Audits on Electoral Outcomes
http://democracyspot.net/2012/09/14/does-access-to-information-enhance-accountability/and "Can Evolving Communication Technologies Increase Civic Competence?" on page 18 of the proceedings of the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government