Data into actionalble information - Global Gender Gap Report

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Data into actionalble information - Global Gender Gap Report

Tracey P. Lauriault
While we need data, we also need organization who can transform those datasets into actionable information.  Indices are that form of information.  This index is interesting as it measures "The Index is designed to measure gender-based gaps in access to resources and opportunities in countries rather than the actual levels of the available resources and opportunities in those countries." (method;

This is interesting, living in Ireland ( I find gender issues, with the backdrop of the Catholic church not far away, to be much more problematic than I do in Canada (, particulary when it comes to reproductive health, health care, privatization, education, childcare, care of the elderly, disposable income, disconnected transit, lack of rent control, and so on, yet Ireland ranks higher than Canada. See political empowerment for instance! In this case Canada went up and Ireland went down, but Canada is still way below. (ranking

In this case the indicators, measure some key things, but the other items in my list of differences are also really important in improving overall quality of life.  I need to think about these more.

Alternatively, I am beginning to think that we can measure the quality of our open data portals, by way of assessing whether or not we can find the data in those to construct quality of life indices.  The OKF Census, the Barometer and the G8 Charter are useful, but those measure more the innovation and commercialization potential of the data in the portals, none of the highly valued datasets in those rankings, come near to the type of data to construct this index nor the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Quality of Life Index, nor the Toronto Well Being index.


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