DabbleDB free for CC licensed databases

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DabbleDB free for CC licensed databases

Patrick Dinnen
This might be useful for some of the data activist types out there,
especially with elections likely looming. http://dabbledb.com/commons/

DabbleDB is an interesting online app for storing and manipulating
data, based in Vancouver. Usually it's a for-pay service, but they are
offering the service for free to anyone who is prepared to licence the
database they created under a Creative Commons licence
(http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses) and leave the data open to
the public.

I haven't played with DabbleDB, but I saw a demo last year and it
looked like a very cool app. It seems to do a nice job of mapping and
graphing data, which could be useful in making sense of all sorts of
things, campaign donations come to mind.

Check out the US housing census example to see what DabbleDB can do
