I actually found a lot of ideas in the
connected-citizen.org game video a little disturbing. The "mandatory" or "mandated" citizen bracelet that alerts the authorities that the person had had a heart attack struck me as a ominous vision of the future.
I then tried to play, filled out the form twice, got errors and everything I'd typed up was lost both times - so gave up.
On 2013-01-21, at 1:37 PM, James McKinney wrote:
<base href="x-msg://1006/">Hmm, "crowdsourced governance" is quite a lot more than what is actually proposed, which is more along the lines of "ideation platform" like
http://www.mindmixer.com/. Anyhow, I'm not entirely sure I'd leave governance up to the mythologized "wisdom of the crowd".
On 2013-01-21, at 4:32 PM, michael gurstein wrote:
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