CitySondage - Info Request from List Members

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CitySondage - Info Request from List Members

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
Hi Gang!

as a follow-up from yesterday's CitySondage (good name michael!) email, here is a small
totally easy homework assignment for you.

What would be the 2 most important / most wanted civic data sets or civic information you
would like your city / municipality / county (e.g. local geography) to provide
you/citizens with?

Suggestions so far are:
a) municpal boundary files
b) brownfield sites
c) municipal/city councilor votes
d) location of public works projects
e) homelessness demopgraphics
f) others....

It would be great if you could send these in the next week or so, that way we can develop
some sondage questions we can all use in our respective locals around the country.


Tracey P. Lauriault
[hidden email] or [hidden email]