City of Montreal Open Data Advisory Committee

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City of Montreal Open Data Advisory Committee

jn landry
It was the plenary meeting of the City of Montreal Open Data Advisory Committee, to be constituted by 6 citizens and 6 officials from the city (head of IT, internet, library, high level political rep, communications). Great turnout, about 50 people from a range of sectors. Citizen reps were split in three groups by sector (community, entrepreneur/developer, institutions - i.e. academic, arms length). I'm pleased to have been voted in as the rep for MontrealOuvert for civil society along with Catherine Roy as the rep from RAPLIQ, a group that promotes IT accessibility for people with disabilities. James (OpenNorth) was also voted on for the entrepreneur/developer sector. I won't list everyone on the committee here, but suffice it to say that it's exciting to see our collective efforts lead to this stage. A good day for open data in Montréal. 

All the best, 


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Re: City of Montreal Open Data Advisory Committee

jn landry
The meeting took place earlier today... 

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 12:10 AM, jn landry <[hidden email]> wrote:
It was the plenary meeting of the City of Montreal Open Data Advisory Committee, to be constituted by 6 citizens and 6 officials from the city (head of IT, internet, library, high level political rep, communications). Great turnout, about 50 people from a range of sectors. Citizen reps were split in three groups by sector (community, entrepreneur/developer, institutions - i.e. academic, arms length). I'm pleased to have been voted in as the rep for MontrealOuvert for civil society along with Catherine Roy as the rep from RAPLIQ, a group that promotes IT accessibility for people with disabilities. James (OpenNorth) was also voted on for the entrepreneur/developer sector. I won't list everyone on the committee here, but suffice it to say that it's exciting to see our collective efforts lead to this stage. A good day for open data in Montréal. 

All the best, 


Jean-Noé Landry
514.237.5438 | LinkedIn