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"How do we engage more diverse audiences?"
If you are asking this question, you are not alone. This question was heard again and again from educators and administrators attending a series of 2012 workshops on Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR), organized initiatives in which members of the public take part in scientific investigations. PPSR has been effective in engaging participants in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, engagement with scientific practice, and environmental stewardship.
With support from the Association of Science-Technology Centers, a task force was convened to address this question and provide insights for the field. This task force of PPSR practitioners and researchers, science center administrators, and experts on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Informal Science Education (ISE) settings worked together to develop evidence-based recommendations for improving the cultural inclusiveness of PPSR projects as well as to explore the role that science centers might play in this effort.
The products of this effort are three-fold and are available at :
A report of the team’s effort which includes a summary of promising practices for enhancing cultural inclusiveness, lists of resources that may be needed to support each practice, a discussion of the role science centers may play in connecting PPSR with underrepresented audiences, and suggestions for next steps in advancing cultural inclusiveness in the field.
The full text of the 11 case studies conducted by the task force and from which the insights in the report were drawn. These were case studies of efforts to engage communities that have been most marginalized and disenfranchised in the sciences and PPSR, including communities of color, low income communities, and tribal communities.
The website where these documents are available also contains a series of webpages which provide brief summaries of the promising practices along with exemplary excerpts from the case studies.
The report and related case studies aim to inspire and inform next steps for the field, and to provide guidance for scientists and science educators who are organizing, managing, creating or expanding PPSR projects. We welcome additional discussion, debate, and examples of similar work in this area to further fuel the effort.
Norman Porticella
Coordinator, Diversity in PPSR Task Force
Program Development and Evaluation
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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