Canadian Science Policy Conference

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Canadian Science Policy Conference

Tracey P. Lauriault
Does not look like much data access is on the agenda however there is a session on greater civic participation in science.    Anyone know anyone on these panels or the organization?  Hmm!
Canadian Science Policy Conference
28-30 October 2009
Toronto, Canada
This conference represents a measured first step towards building a robust science policy network in Canada. Such a system will be critical for producing the next generation of policy-makers who understand S&T issues, as well as scientists who understand how to integrate their research into a broader societal context for the benefit of all Canadians.
Science policy is the discipline that lies at the interface of the scientific enterprise and public administration. It encompasses two related and complementary spheres:
1."policy for science" ? strategies for managing and enhancing the conduct of scientific research;
2."science for policy" ? mechanisms by which scientific knowledge informs government decision-making.
Despite substantial government investments in science and technology (S&T), Canada?s science policy infrastructure lags behind that of other nations:
1. current non-governmental input into "policy for science" is uncoordinated and ineffective;
2. current "science for policy" has limited external input from academic scientists;
3. Canada has few university-based academic department devoted to science policy research (compared to over a dozen in the USA);
4. to date, Canada has been the site of few conferences devoted to science policy (compared to over 80 in the USA and Europe).
The?proposed Canadian Science Policy Conference has?3 primary objectives:
1. to identify and discuss current Canadian science policy issues;
2. to create networking opportunities in order to forge stronger links between scientists and policy-makers; and
3. to lay the foundation for establishing a Canadian "Virtual Institute" for Science Policy Research.

Tracey P. Lauriault