Canadian Open Data Catalogue

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Canadian Open Data Catalogue

Gerry Tychon-2
To follow up a little on my previous email re the Canadian Federal open data catalogue, I took the English titles and descriptions and then generated a word cloud using Wordle. It may not mean much but it always seems amusing to do so.

I am putting a link to image generated for those who might be interested.

... gerry tychon

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Re: Canadian Open Data Catalogue

David Eaves

Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-03-12, at 9:48 PM, Gerry Tychon <[hidden email]> wrote:

To follow up a little on my previous email re the Canadian Federal open data catalogue, I took the English titles and descriptions and then generated a word cloud using Wordle. It may not mean much but it always seems amusing to do so.

I am putting a link to image generated for those who might be interested.

... gerry tychon

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