I promised some weeks ago after having found the great directives from
INSPIRE (EU spatial data infrastructure) and US OMB directives on data that i would go looking into the Canadian Process. And well dang it! our parliamentary system is not easy and not necessarily the most transparent either. I wanted to know how we go about creating entities like the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) which i consider to be one of the most interesting and innovative public sector organization when it comes to data access, discovery and dissemination in the field of geomatics (Geobase.ca, and Geogratis.ca, Atlas of Canada, GeoConnections etc.). So far i have found out that it is a budgetary process and have found two of the following documents that related to GeoConnections: a) The Budget Plan 1999 (http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection/F1-23-1999-3E.pdf), search GeoConnections in the doc b) The Budget Plan of 2005 (http://www.fin.gc.ca/budget05/pdf/bp2005e.pdf) search GeoConnections in the doc I also found out that Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) documents from Treasury Board are part of the process but i am not quite sure how at this point (http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/eval/pubs/RMAF-CGRR/rmafcgrr01_e.asp) these work in the creation of a programs as they seem to be more associated with the maintenance of a program. But there seems to be quite a few RMAF documents associated with NRCan and GeoConnections but details are limited in what you read. There have also been submissions to Cabinet but these are not available to the public and at the moment i have no clue how to go about looking for who has submitted what when! I also discovered that Canada has an Office of the Registrars Lobbyists which creates and maintains a Lobbyist Registry (https://strategis.ic.gc.ca/app/secure/ec/lrrs/guest.do;jsessionid=0000UkUTPS8gy5SxN1VbVqp5X11:10hc5g1ed?lang=eng). At some point i will go and look up the organizations that i think were involved in lobbying for the creation of this organization. But i will also go and look up the big data brokers to see if they have been lobbying for anything. I find it fascinating that much tacit knowledge is required to make something happen in our government at the federal level and the process is extremely complex. I am doing this partially out of personal interest but also i want to discover the best place for me and some of you who might be interested to focus our interests at the highest level of government on the topic of access to public data at no cost to citizens. So far! I dunno how! But as i discover stuff i will share it. Cheers t |
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