Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)

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Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)

Glen Newton
- communications infrastructure
- the state and availability of web-enabling infrastructure;
- institutional infrastructure
- education, laws, regulation and censorship;
- web content: what relevant and useful content is available;
- web use: the extent to which the web is used in a country; political
impact; economic impact and social impact.

Top 10:
    1 Sweden
    2 United States
    3 United Kingdom
    4 Canada
    5 Finland
    6 Switzerland
    7 New Zealand
    8 Australia
    9 Norway
    10 Ireland


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Re: Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)

Gerry Tychon-2
That was interesting. Some countries did better or worse than I expected. E.g., Japan was lower.
I wanted to download the overall scores and play with the numbers a bit but didn't see an obvious option to download the data as well, you know, "data".

I converted the Overall Scores shown on the web page and plucked them into a simple spreadsheet.

If anyone is interested, it has been parked at:

... gerry tychon

On 05/09/2012 10:57 AM, Glen Newton wrote:
- communications infrastructure
- the state and availability of web-enabling infrastructure;
- institutional infrastructure
- education, laws, regulation and censorship;
- web content: what relevant and useful content is available;
- web use: the extent to which the web is used in a country; political
impact; economic impact and social impact.

Top 10:
    1 Sweden
    2 United States
    3 United Kingdom
    4 Canada
    5 Finland
    6 Switzerland
    7 New Zealand
    8 Australia
    9 Norway
    10 Ireland

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Re: Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)

michael gurstein

That ranking doesn't really ring true to me… The last time I had any direct experience Canada (and the US) were way way ahead of the UK in broad distribution and use of the Net (a lot of it had to do with some pretty ferocious class differences in education at least with the UK).  I would have ranked Aus and NZ higher and the US a wee bit lower.


From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Gerry Tychon
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 6:17 PM
To: civicaccess discuss
Subject: Re: [CivicAccess-discuss] Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)


That was interesting. Some countries did better or worse than I expected. E.g., Japan was lower.
I wanted to download the overall scores and play with the numbers a bit but didn't see an obvious option to download the data as well, you know, "data".

I converted the Overall Scores shown on the web page and plucked them into a simple spreadsheet.

If anyone is interested, it has been parked at:

... gerry tychon

On 05/09/2012 10:57 AM, Glen Newton wrote:

- communications infrastructure
- the state and availability of web-enabling infrastructure;
- institutional infrastructure
- education, laws, regulation and censorship;
- web content: what relevant and useful content is available;
- web use: the extent to which the web is used in a country; political
impact; economic impact and social impact.
Top 10:
    1 Sweden
    2 United States
    3 United Kingdom
    4 Canada
    5 Finland
    6 Switzerland
    7 New Zealand
    8 Australia
    9 Norway
    10 Ireland


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Re: Canada comes in #4 in Berners-Lee's Web Index (social and political impact)

Karl Dubost

Le 5 sept. 2012 à 14:55, michael gurstein a écrit :
> That ranking doesn't really ring true to me…

Go to the source first

> Designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation, the Web Index is the world’s first multi-dimensional measure of the Web’s growth, utility and impact on people and nations. It covers 61 developed and developing countries, incorporating indicators that assess the political, economic and social impact of the Web, as well as indicators of Web connectivity and infrastructure.

> The Index measures and ranks:
> * Web Readiness: The Index examines the quality and extent of Communications Infrastructure (facilitating connectivity to the Web) and Institutional Infrastructure (policies regulating Web access and skill and educational levels enabling the full benefit of the Web).
> * Web Use: The Index looks both at Web usage within countries (such as the percentage of individuals who use the Internet) and the content available to these Web users .
> * The Impact of the Web: The Index uses social, economic and political indicators to evaluate the impact of the Web on these dimensions. This includes measures of social networks, business internet use and e-participation.

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada