Canada Map Office

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Canada Map Office


Allow me to bring to your attention the following from
the Canadian Association of Research Libraries:


Andrew Hubbertz
Librarian Emeritus
University of Saskatchewan Library

613 692 2709
[hidden email]


Please find attached a CARL Member Bulletin on the Canada Map Office. / Veuillez
trouver ci-joint un bulletin à l’intention des membres de l’ABRC sur le Bureau
des cartes du Canada.

Thank you. / Merci.

Geoffrey Su

Research and Program Officer / Agent de recherche et des programmes

Canadian Association of Research Libraries / Association des bibliothèques de
recherche du Canada

Room / Pièce 238, Pavillon Morisset Hall, 65 University Private

Ottawa, Ontario  K1N 9A5

Phone / Téléphone :  (613) 562-5800 ext. 2427

Fax / Télécopieur : (613) 562-5195

E-mail / Courriel : [hidden email]

CARL member bulletin_Nov. 29,'06-f.pdf (43K) Download Attachment
CARL member bulletin_Nov. 29,'06-e.pdf (42K) Download Attachment