Call for Participation: Information Access in Smart Cities (i-ASC 2014) Workshop

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Call for Participation: Information Access in Smart Cities (i-ASC 2014) Workshop

Glen Newton

Amsterdam, Netherlands
13 April 2014


Cities of the 21st century do not only have the physical
infrastructure of roads, buildings, and power networks, but also have
the knowledge infrastructure represented with heterogeneous systems
and big data platforms. These systems vary from low-level sensing
devices including environmental sensors and CCTV cameras, to public
databases, and social network streams. On the other hand, recent
research has identified a variety of emerging information needs that
citizens often have in their public urban spaces.These local
information needs may be complex and are not necessarily served by
existing systems such as web search engines. These include obtaining
real-time information about local events in the city or finding free
parking spaces. The aforementioned knowledge infrastructure opens up
opportunities for cities to become smarter and serve the emerging
information needs of their citizens by harnessing the vast amount of
diverse information stemming from the various systems within the city.
The workshop would be an opportunity for researchers from the
information retrieval (IR) community, and other related communities,
to discuss the emerging research topic of information access in smart
cities, identifying its unique challenges, opportunities and future
In particular, we identify four main research themes that we aim to cover
 - Acquiring and digesting heterogeneous city data
 - Searching smart cities
 - Human interaction and context in smart cities
 - Smart city applications

The goal of the workshop is twofold. Firstly, we aim to foster
building a research community to work on the aforementioned  research
themes within smart cities. We envisage that this community will be
inclusive of academics and practitioners not only in IR, but also in a
variety of disciplines such as knowledge management, databases,
machine learning, and human computer interfaces.
Secondly, we aim to define a roadmap for developing information access
systems in smart cities, where we identify the key challenges in each
of the four themes and instantiate concrete tasks we can start working
on as a community.


Frank Kresin
Research Director at Waag Society
Talk: Smart Cities, Smart Citizens and the case for the CitySDK.

Dr. Pol Mac Aonghusa
Senior Research Manager at Smarter Cities Technology Centre, IBM
Dublin Research Laboratory

Invited Contributions

Tourists in Smart Cities: Data mining for hidden treasures
Professor Jon Oberlander, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

Mining digital footprints for smart tourism
Dr. Raffaele Perego, Head of HPC Lab, ISTI CNR, Pisa, Italy

Accepted Papers

On Mining Mobile Users Monitoring Logs
Dmitry Namiot (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation)

Modeling the Web of Things from an IR approach
Cristyan Manta-Caro (District University of Bogota Francisco Jose de
Caldas, Columbia) and Juan M. Fernández-Luna (University of Granada,

Smarter Cities, Safer Travels: Intergrating Contextual Suggestion
Adriel Dean-Hall and Jack Thomas (University of Waterloo, Canada)

"Search-the-City" – A versatile dashboard for searching and displaying
Environment and User Generated Content in the context of the future
Smart City
Athanasios Moralis, George Perreas, Anastasios Glaros and Dimitrios
Dres (Telesto Technologies, Greece)

The Influence of Indoor Spatial Context on User Information Behaviours
Yongli Ren (RMIT University, Australia), Martin Tomko (The University
of Melbourne, Australia), Kevin Ong, Yuntian Brian Bai and Mark
Sanderson (RMIT University, Australia)

Challenges in Recommending Venues within Smart Cities
Romain Deveaud, M-Dyaa Albakour, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis
(University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)

From Smart Cities to Smart Neighborhoods: Detecting Local Events from
Social Media
Yang Li (IBM Ireland, Ireland) and Alan Smeaton (Dublin City
University, Ireland)

Organising Committee

 - M-Dyaa Albakour (University of Glasgow)
 - Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow)
 - Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow)
 - Charles L. A. Clarke (University of Waterloo)
 - Veli Bicer (IBM Research Ireland)
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