Bloomberg: "A New Twist in International Relations: The Corporate Keep-My-Data-Out-of-the-U.S. Clause "

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Bloomberg: "A New Twist in International Relations: The Corporate Keep-My-Data-Out-of-the-U.S. Clause "

Glen Newton

"In Canada, a pharmaceutical company and government agency have now
both added language to that effect to their contracts with suppliers,
as did a grocery chain in the U.K., according to J.J. Thompson, chief
executive officer of Rook Consulting, an Indianapolis, Indiana-based
security-consulting firm. He declined to name the companies, which are
using Rook to manage the segmentation and keep the data out of the

The article does not have any citation to where this info on Canada
comes from (unless it is a pers.comm from this JJ Thompson person). I
couldn't find this reference anywhere else (except in references and
meta-references to this article). I would particularly like to track
down the government agency reference.

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