BC extractives transparency

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BC extractives transparency

Kady Seguin

Hi everyone,


For those interested in data on extractives, I just wanted to share that there is a postcard action that was launched recently asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, both in Canada and around the world (as an implementation of the Government of Canada’s commitment). Links and details are below. If implemented properly, this could provide the residents of B.C. and those impacted by B.C. mining, oil and gas companies around the world with a new source of data that conforms with open data sources.


Please feel free to share with any groups that may be interested.





Kady Seguin

Programme Analyst

Publish What You Pay-Canada

c/o Partnership Africa Canada

600-331 Cooper St., K2P 0G5, Ottawa, ON

1-(613)-237-6768 ext. 8





From: Extractives_roundtables [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Claire Woodside
Sent: April-08-14 10:11 AM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: [CNCA] ACT NOW: Ask Minister De Jong in BC to make the extractives transparent!


Hi all,


Yesterday, Publish What You Pay Canada, led by Canadian member Engineers Without Borders Canada and global member the ONE Campaign launched a postcard action asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, at home and around the world. B.C. is the primary regulator of over 1150 resource companies, thus any action to improve transparency in B.C. will provide Canadians with critical information about their resource sector, while also helping citizens around hold their governments to account for the money they are paid for their natural resources.


This campaign is an important opportunity for residents of B.C. to express their support for transparency and to lead the call for a more transparent and accountable extractive sector.  To sign a postcard and show your support please visit EWB’s website at: http://responsiblemining.ewb.ca/tracebc/.


The campaign action can also be found on the ONE campaign website here:  http://act.one.org/sign/canada_transparency_2014postcard/?source=twDCtoolkit141704022014


If you have any mailing lists in B.C., we would appreciate it if you could circulate this action. We are hopeful that we can get enough postcards signed to make a difference! We will present the postcards to Minister De Jong at the end of this month, but I will be meeting with him on Thursday and I am excited to tell him about this important action.


Warm regards,





Claire Woodside


Director/Directrice | Publish What You Pay-Canada/Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez-Canada

Unit 600-331 Cooper st. | Ottawa ON K2P 0G5

1-613-237-6768 ext.7 (o) | 1-613-794-3536 (m) | Skype: HelenClaire04

[hidden email] | www.pwyp.ca | @PwypCanada



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Re: BC extractives transparency

Tracey P. Lauriault
nice one!

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 9:25 PM, Kady Seguin <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi everyone,


For those interested in data on extractives, I just wanted to share that there is a postcard action that was launched recently asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, both in Canada and around the world (as an implementation of the Government of Canada’s commitment). Links and details are below. If implemented properly, this could provide the residents of B.C. and those impacted by B.C. mining, oil and gas companies around the world with a new source of data that conforms with open data sources.


Please feel free to share with any groups that may be interested.





Kady Seguin

Programme Analyst

Publish What You Pay-Canada

c/o Partnership Africa Canada

600-331 Cooper St., K2P 0G5, Ottawa, ON

<a href="tel:1-%28613%29-237-6768%20ext.%208" value="+16132376768" target="_blank">1-(613)-237-6768 ext. 8





From: Extractives_roundtables [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Claire Woodside
Sent: April-08-14 10:11 AM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: [CNCA] ACT NOW: Ask Minister De Jong in BC to make the extractives transparent!


Hi all,


Yesterday, Publish What You Pay Canada, led by Canadian member Engineers Without Borders Canada and global member the ONE Campaign launched a postcard action asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, at home and around the world. B.C. is the primary regulator of over 1150 resource companies, thus any action to improve transparency in B.C. will provide Canadians with critical information about their resource sector, while also helping citizens around hold their governments to account for the money they are paid for their natural resources.


This campaign is an important opportunity for residents of B.C. to express their support for transparency and to lead the call for a more transparent and accountable extractive sector.  To sign a postcard and show your support please visit EWB’s website at: http://responsiblemining.ewb.ca/tracebc/.


The campaign action can also be found on the ONE campaign website here:  http://act.one.org/sign/canada_transparency_2014postcard/?source=twDCtoolkit141704022014


If you have any mailing lists in B.C., we would appreciate it if you could circulate this action. We are hopeful that we can get enough postcards signed to make a difference! We will present the postcards to Minister De Jong at the end of this month, but I will be meeting with him on Thursday and I am excited to tell him about this important action.


Warm regards,





Claire Woodside


Director/Directrice | Publish What You Pay-Canada/Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez-Canada

Unit 600-331 Cooper st. | Ottawa ON K2P 0G5

<a href="tel:1-613-237-6768%20ext.7" value="+16132376768" target="_blank">1-613-237-6768 ext.7 (o) | <a href="tel:1-613-794-3536" value="+16137943536" target="_blank">1-613-794-3536 (m) | Skype: HelenClaire04

[hidden email] | www.pwyp.ca | @PwypCanada



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Re: BC extractives transparency

Ted Strauss
In reply to this post by Kady Seguin
This is a great.
I'll be glad to make a visualization or infographic once that data starts coming in! 

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Kady Seguin <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi everyone,


For those interested in data on extractives, I just wanted to share that there is a postcard action that was launched recently asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, both in Canada and around the world (as an implementation of the Government of Canada’s commitment). Links and details are below. If implemented properly, this could provide the residents of B.C. and those impacted by B.C. mining, oil and gas companies around the world with a new source of data that conforms with open data sources.


Please feel free to share with any groups that may be interested.





Kady Seguin

Programme Analyst

Publish What You Pay-Canada

c/o Partnership Africa Canada

600-331 Cooper St., K2P 0G5, Ottawa, ON

<a href="tel:1-%28613%29-237-6768%20ext.%208" value="+16132376768" target="_blank">1-(613)-237-6768 ext. 8





From: Extractives_roundtables [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Claire Woodside
Sent: April-08-14 10:11 AM
To: [hidden email]; [hidden email]
Subject: [CNCA] ACT NOW: Ask Minister De Jong in BC to make the extractives transparent!


Hi all,


Yesterday, Publish What You Pay Canada, led by Canadian member Engineers Without Borders Canada and global member the ONE Campaign launched a postcard action asking B.C. to be the first province to require oil, gas and mining companies to reveal the payments they make to governments, at home and around the world. B.C. is the primary regulator of over 1150 resource companies, thus any action to improve transparency in B.C. will provide Canadians with critical information about their resource sector, while also helping citizens around hold their governments to account for the money they are paid for their natural resources.


This campaign is an important opportunity for residents of B.C. to express their support for transparency and to lead the call for a more transparent and accountable extractive sector.  To sign a postcard and show your support please visit EWB’s website at: http://responsiblemining.ewb.ca/tracebc/.


The campaign action can also be found on the ONE campaign website here:  http://act.one.org/sign/canada_transparency_2014postcard/?source=twDCtoolkit141704022014


If you have any mailing lists in B.C., we would appreciate it if you could circulate this action. We are hopeful that we can get enough postcards signed to make a difference! We will present the postcards to Minister De Jong at the end of this month, but I will be meeting with him on Thursday and I am excited to tell him about this important action.


Warm regards,





Claire Woodside


Director/Directrice | Publish What You Pay-Canada/Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez-Canada

Unit 600-331 Cooper st. | Ottawa ON K2P 0G5

<a href="tel:1-613-237-6768%20ext.7" value="+16132376768" target="_blank">1-613-237-6768 ext.7 (o) | <a href="tel:1-613-794-3536" value="+16137943536" target="_blank">1-613-794-3536 (m) | Skype: HelenClaire04

[hidden email] | www.pwyp.ca | @PwypCanada



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