Award for government secrecy

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Award for government secrecy

Rocha, Roberto (Montreal Gazette)
Who wants to create a Canadian version? We could have lots of categories, like municipal, provincial, and federal.
COLUMBIA, MISSOURI - Investigative Reporters & Editors, Inc. is launching a new award - dubbed the Golden Padlock - recognizing the most secretive publicly-funded agency or person in the United States. It is calling on journalists and the public for worthy nominees.
"This honor acknowledges the dedication of government officials working tirelessly to keep vital information hidden from the public," said David Cay Johnston, president of IRE, a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of investigative reporting worldwide. "Their abiding commitment to secrecy and impressive skill in information suppression routinely keeps knowledge about everything from public health risks to government waste beyond the reach of citizens who pay their salaries."
IRE is now accepting nominations for the inaugural Golden Padlock. Nominations should be emailed to [hidden email] by May 24. Submissions should include the name of the agency or individual along with reasons and/or media coverage detailing the intransigence.
Governments at all levels - from local to federal - are eligible for the award. A list of finalists will be announced in early June and the award will be handed out annually at the IRE's national conference.
The winning public agency or individual will be invited to attend the award ceremony to be "honored." This year's conference is June 20 - 23 in San Antonio, TX.
 For further information: Mark Horvit, executive director, IRE, <a href="tel:%28573%29%20882-1984">(573) 882-1984 or [hidden email].
Mark Horvit
Executive Director
Investigative Reporters and Editors
<a href="tel:573-882-1984">573-882-1984
[hidden email]
Roberto Rocha
Digital journalist, interactive projects coordinator
The Gazette - a division of Postmedia Network Inc
1010 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Suite 200, Montreal QC, H3B 5L1
T: 514.987.2489  |   F: 514.987.2398  |   E: [hidden email] | Twt: @robroc

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