Announcements: Trailer for FOI movie: "Re/Quest" and Information Commisssioner

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Announcements: Trailer for FOI movie: "Re/Quest" and Information Commisssioner

Mark Weiler
A couple of announcements:
The Office of the Information Commissioner has entered a six month pilot project where the $5.00 application fee for ordering records through the Access to Information Act is now being waived.  You can now order records from the OIPC by emailing the Access to Information and Privacy Officer, [hidden email]

Not sure what to order? Maybe this trailer for the new FOI movie can help?

"Re/Quest: The Story of the Greatest Freedom of Information Legislation Mage" is a public education project about a young FOI Mage on an epic FOI quest into the Land of the Gatekeepers.

The trailer and movie are entirely remixed from Creative Commons content and released under a Creative Commons license. So you are free to redistribute it.  

Available at

Mark Weiler