Action by Feb 28 - Topographic Maps for Canada

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Action by Feb 28 - Topographic Maps for Canada

Tracey P. Lauriault-2
Last year was a good year for topographic mapping in Canada. As you
might already know, the Ministry of Natural Resources reversed the
decision to close the Canada Map Office and will continue the production
of print topographic maps as a direct result of many hundreds of supporters.

Until *February 28th*, the Ministry of Finance is calling for input on
its budget priorities. As with the campaign for the print topographic
maps last fall, it is important to make our politicians aware that it is
necessary to keep topographic maps of Canada up-to-date.

Input into the government’s budget priorities is an important step to
raise the awareness of mapping. If you agree please submit 50 words or
less to the Ministry of Finance's online pre-budget consultations, in
the priority category: Other.

Sample statement:

/The Government of Canada must ensure complete and up-to-date
topographic maps of Canada by Natural Resources Canada to: defend our
sovereignty and security in the face of global realities, support our
search and rescue teams, monitor Canada’s environmental and natural
resources base./

Please see <> for
more information.

Thank you,

Heather McAdam

Chair, ACMLA Map Users’ Advisory Committee


/Heather McAdam/

/GIS// Coordinator/

/Maps, Data and Government Information Centre/

/Carleton// //University// Library/

/[hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>/

/520-2600// ext. 8924/