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From: Yashar Moshfeghi <[hidden email]> Date: Mon, May 11, 2015 at 1:05 PM Subject: [SIG-IRList] UCUI Workshop @ CIKM 2015: Understanding the City with Urban Informatics To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]> ======================================================= 1st Workshop on Understanding the City with Urban Informatics (UCUI 2015) in conjunction with CIKM 2015 CALL FOR PAPERS https://sites.google.com/site/ucui2015/ 23 October 2015, Melbourne, Australia ======================================================= IMPORTANT DATES Regular paper submission: 5 June 2015 Special track for re-submissions of CIKM papers: 8 July 2015 Notification of acceptance: 23 July 2015 Camera ready: 7 August 2015 Data challenge release date: early June 2015 Data challenge submission: 31 August 2015 Workshop: 23 October 2015 OVERVIEW Urban Informatics aims to exploit the large quantities of information produced by modern cities in order to gain insights into how these cities function. The goal of the workshop is to provide a multidisciplinary forum, which brings together researchers in Big Data (BD), Information Retrieval (IR), Data Mining, and Urban Studies, to explore novel solutions to the numerous theoretical, practical and ethical challenges arising in this context. The workshop provides enormous opportunities for data scientists who wish to understand the complexities of working with city data, conduct innovative research within Urban Informatics, and build a long-term community in this emerging research area. SCOPE AND TOPICS This workshop is an opportunity for researchers from the information retrieval (IR) and Big Data communities, as well as other related communities (Databases, Knowledge Management), to discuss the emerging research topic of Urban Informatics, identifying its unique challenges, opportunities and future directions. The workshop focuses on four different themes within the areas of Information Retrieval and/or Big Data, as follows: • Theoretical, experimental, and/or methodological developments which advance the state-of-the-art in Information Retrieval and/or Big Data management for Urban Informatics • Novel applications of Big Data and/or Information Retrieval approaches in Urban Informatics • Experiences and use cases for Big Data and/or Information Retrieval approaches in Urban Informatics • Challenges in evaluating Urban Informatics tasks and applications With these themes in mind, the workshop solicits high-quality original research papers in topics which include, but are not limited to: • New theory and models for urban Information Retrieval and Big Data computing • Ultra-high efficiency compression, coding and transmission for urban data • System architectures, scalability and efficiency • Personalization, recommendation and filtering of urban data • Deep learning and cloud computing for Urban Informatics • Information extraction, knowledge representation, and reasoning over urban data • Information Retrieval access techniques for Urban Informatics • Use of social media in Urban Informatics • Spatial, temporal, and graph data mining for Urban Informatics • Filtering, time-sensitive and real-time search • Novel applications of Information Retrieval and Big Data approaches in Urban Informatics (e.g., smart cities, healthcare, energy, transportation, safety, crime, search and retail) • Interaction, access, and visualization of urban data • User-based evaluation, crowdsourcing-based evaluation, click models, interaction models in Urban Informatics • Ethics, privacy and security in Urban Informatics SUBMISSION GUIDELINES We welcome both technical & position papers. All papers should be formatted in the standard ACM conference format, with a two-column layout and must be submitted electronically in printable PDF format through the Easy Chair submission page:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ucui2015. Papers must be in English, and submitted in PDF format, and authors must take all reasonable steps to conceal their identity. Papers should not exceed 6 pages for technical papers and 4 pages for position papers (including references and figures). All submitted papers must be original and previously unpublished. Submissions will go through a double-blind review process. Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three programme committee members. The workshop organisers will examine the reviews and make final paper selections for the workshop. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their papers at the workshop. The deadline for regular papers is June 5. The workshop also offers a special track for authors of papers that were not successful at the main conference, where their work can be considered for presentation at the workshop; the deadline for these contributions is July 8. In this case, authors are required to attach the reviews for their paper along with the paper so as to facilitate the decision process. Note: There will be an Urban Informatics Data Challenge as part of this workshop. The details of the challenge will be announced on June 15 on the website, and advertised separately. ORGANIZERS • Yashar Moshfeghi (University of Glasgow) • Iadh Ounis (University of Glasgow) • Craig Macdonald (University of Glasgow) • Joemon M. Jose (University of Glasgow) • Peter Triantafillou (University of Glasgow) • Mark Livingston (University of Glasgow) • Piyushimita Thakuriah (University of Glasgow) ************************************************ This SIGIR-IRList message and the SIG-IRList Digest (a moderated IR newsletter), are brought to you by SIGIR, distributed from the University of Sheffield and edited by Claudia Hauff ([hidden email]). o To submit an article, e-mail [hidden email] o To subscribe, send mail to [hidden email] , with the subject: SUBSCRIBE irlist firstname lastname o To unsubscribe, send mail to [hidden email], with the subject: UNSUBSCRIBE irlist YourEmailAddressHere [The email address is required only if you want to unsubscribe with an address other than the address with which you send the message] o For more info, visit: http://www.sigir.org/sigirlist/ These files are not to be sold or used for commercial purposes. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT DO NOT REPRESENT THOSE OF THE EDITOR, THE DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OR THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD. AUTHORS ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR MATERIAL. _______________________________________________ CivicAccess-discuss mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.pwd.ca/mailman/listinfo/civicaccess-discuss |
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